Sunday, September 06, 2009
Haha, i know i shouldn't be doing this now but yeah shouldn't neglect
this huh, so yupyup.
Anyway, Founder's Day on Friday was like, errrrrrrrrr.
Haha, go there listen to some talk, which turns out to be super boring
as usual, haha.
And Brother Anothony got to talk about things about the school,
& since there's nothing much to mention, he had no choice but to talk about
things like renovating the school's toilet? HAHA!
The whole ceremony was kind of boring actually, but nevermind cos i got to chat with
some teachers, haha, and took photos! :D
but i'm super lazy to upload so too bad.
Anyway, one week of holidays ahead!
But like poly has got seven weeks lah, ):
& our holidays are like to be used for studying, so what's the point! Haha.
:D10:48:00 AM